• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2017

    Blowing the pris in the Middle English Debate between the Body and the Soul

    Autor: David Scott-Macnab
    ...401 Kleinere Beiträge Blowing the pris in the Middle English Debate between the Body and the Soul By DAVID SCOTT-MACNAB Johannesburg Abstract: The... ... a hunter should call to his hounds; see The Middle English Text of ‘The Art of Hunting’ by William Twiti, ed. David Scott-Macnab Middle English Texts... ... David Scott-Macnab, “The Names of All Manner of Hounds: A Unique Inventory in a Fifteenth-Century Manuscript”, Viator, 44 2013 , 339–68 p. 357 . 31 Ed... ... differences between the readings of the different manuscripts will be revealed for fuller critical scrutiny. 40 David Scott-Macnab University of Johannesburg...
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