• eJournal-Artikel aus "PinG Privacy in Germany " Ausgabe 4/2018

    Die ePrivacy-Verordnung im Rat der Europäischen Union

    Untertitel: Eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme
    Autor: Dr. Malte Engeler
    ... Eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme Dr. Malte Engeler, ­Richter und derzeit am Schleswig- Holsteinischen Verwaltungsgericht tätig Dr. Malte Engeler I...

  • eJournal-Artikel aus "PinG Privacy in Germany " Ausgabe 4/2019

    The EDPB’s guidelines 02/2019 on Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR

    Untertitel: ? a critical review ?
    Autor: Dr. Malte Engeler
    .... Malte Engeler 1 2 The European Data Protection Board EDPB has published its guidelines 02/2019 1 on its understanding of Art. 6 1 b GDPR, the legal... ... processing is covered by a contract does not automatically mean that the processing is necessary for its performance. [...] Even if these processing Dr. Malte... ... Engeler is a judge at the administrative court of the German state of Schleswig-­ Holstein and the former deputy head of the supervisory unit of the data...
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