• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2011

    Góngora’s Metaphoric Construction in Two Sonnets about Women

    Autor: Diane Chaffee-Sorace
    ...350 Diane Chaffee-Sorace Góngora’s Metaphoric Construction in Two Sonnets about Women Luis de Góngora y Argote, the renowned bard of the Spanish... ... in the texts cited, taking care not to alter poetic word forms, abbreviations, rhymes, rhythms, or meanings. 352 Diane Chaffee-Sorace Minturno’s “In sì... ... completely the Petrarchan way of writing as practiced by Góngora. 354 Diane Chaffee-Sorace the poem might be Góngora’s artistic pride because the bard presents... ... “involves not only archetypal ideas, but more characteristically archetypally significant events and situations” i.e., action . 356 Diane Chaffee-Sorace The... ... UP, 1972. Print. Wheelwright, Philip. The Burning Fountain. Rev. ed. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1968. Print. Baltimore Loyola University Maryland DIANE... ... CHAFFEE-SORACE...
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